Extra Curricular Activities

At Prince Charles Schools, your child's growth does not stop in the classroom.

We are passionate about getting your child involved in after school activities that challenge him or her to explore creative, social and even potential career interests. Our large sports grounds and swimming pool facilities offer a truly unique environment for extracurricular development.

Growth and development

Research conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (US) has found that participation in extracurricular activities has a positive correlation to students’ test scores and expected educational goals.

These activities can boost your child’s academic development by teaching them invaluable life skills such as time management, prioritising and learning how to make long term commitments.

Express your Passion

Students enjoy a wide range of activities from team sports, music, science clubs and languages with a particular focus on French. These activities are carefully selected to give your child a wonderful balance to learning. They also develop relationship skills and raise self esteem. Students who may be struggling academically find their confidence boosted when they discover a new talent or skill!

Extracurricular activities are also a fantastic opportunity for college students to distinguish themselves on university applications and even future job applications, especially when they have taken an active role in organising and leading the activities themselves. For this reason, our students are encouraged to start clubs that reflect their personal interests and passions.

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Compulsory Activities

• Swimming – Prince Charles School is unique in its purpose-built swimming facilities
• French Club – this includes an annual trip to a French speaking country

Elective Activities

Students are then required to select any two (2) of the following activities:

• Art Club
• Computer/Coding Club
• Chess
• Literary and Debating Society
• Football
• Table Tennis